Friday, February 13, 2009

Growing Up

I had a couple things happen today that just reminded me of the passage of time and how quickly my girls are growing up. I just got home from one of them... I dropped off Mackenzie at her friend Amanda's 16th birthday party. Actually, I should say that Mackenzie dropped herself off, since she was doing the driving! But as we pulled up, there were a couple of cars parked out in front of Amanda's house, and Mackenzie said, "Wow, how weird, that's Brook's car and that one is Christine's! It's funny to think they drove themselves here..." Hmmm... funny, yeah. I was just thinking about how I remember Mackenzie, Amanda, and Christine playing soccer together in, oh, 5th grade.... and they are so grown up now.

So there was that, and as I was going through a stack of papers today, I came across some college information and actually went online and registered Mackenzie for the first of many places I imagine we'll be requesting information from. That was a little strange, too. It's coming fast...

And not to leave out my 'baby', Anna -- we were walking into Walmart tonight (you know, to get that last minute birthday present! ha) and Anna commented that she had her favorite outfit on. The reason for that is because she had on her 'skinny' jeans and she just LOVES the yellow shirt she was wearing (it's bright) and more importantly, it brings out the hint of yellow thread in her shoes and even matches her jacket that has some yellow lettering. Perfect. :-) This from my child that a year ago could be found most days in sweat pants and a t-shirt and preferred to refer to her style as a 'gym rat.'

Well, things do change and they do grow up -- some days I just wish they could stay little. sigh.

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