Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Things I learned at Band Camp

A couple of weekends ago I had the privilege of chaperoning our middle school Symphonic Band camp down near Birmingham. I’ve been thinking since then that I wanted to post some pictures and tell some stories about that – it really was a fun weekend… but things have been SO busy lately that I haven’t had much time for blogging – I’m hoping that as this 3rd week into school comes to an end, things may finally start slowing down a little. One can hope. ;-) But for now, here are a few pictures and some of the things I learned while I was at band camp. :-)

- Campground cockroaches are infinitely larger than normal
- After several hours of practice, brass players lose all feeling in their lips
- Tater tots can, in fact, be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner
- It really doesn’t help to ‘cool off’ a room by opening a window when it’s 90 degrees outside
- As hard as we try, moms just don’t always ‘get’ what makes a good prank – I still think stealing flip flops and stringing them all up was great, though!
- Persimmons can send you to the Emergency Room… and so can chocolate covered peanuts
- Biscuits should only be reheated one time – on the third day they become rocks
- The second time the ambulance comes, you know you’re going to have some explaining to do
- A spontaneous prayer around the flagpole first thing in the morning can bring you to tears
- Band kids are unbelievably talented and amazing!
- Peach cobbler always tastes better at camp – yum
- 40 girls + muddy canoe trip + 30mins to shower and change = really nasty bathroom cleanup!
- Panty raids are still alive and well, only more sophisticated now
- It’s a little embarrassing when it’s your own kid who keeps violating the lights out/quiet rule!
- No one wants to be awakened by 20 screaming 8th grade girls at 6:00am
- Yes, drums can be played so loud that they shatter windows – wow
- It’s good to make sure the band director has enough caffeine.
- You don’t want to know how many kids can fit into a very large pair of “granny panties”
- You couldn’t pay me enough to do the job of the ‘school nurse’ on a trip like this
- Band moms (and dads) are great people!
- You can survive almost anything with a Walmart just down the road
- God is present everywhere – in a beautiful camp setting, in broken windows, in conversation and prayer at picnic tables, in the fun and games, in the music, around flag poles and in so many hearts – awesome!
Silly friends...
Fun and games...

No comment.... ;-)
Flip Flops!

Beautiful lake...

Quiet moments...

Silly String attack!

Oh, and.... LOTS of practice!

If you're reading this and it stirs up any fun camp memories for you, please feel free to post a comment and share them!

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