Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Words I Would Say

A couple of days ago I was listening to WAY-FM and heard an interview with, I think, a relatively new band called Sidewalk Prophets. At least I’ve never heard of them before… anyways, they were talking about a song they have just released and gave the background story on it. Basically, the writer of the song was saying that his grandfather had been very ill, and one night he got the call that he really needed to come immediately to see his granddad because they didn’t think he’d live much longer. It was late at night and it was going to be a long drive to get to his granddad. He was tempted to just jump in the car and go, but had a moment where, he says, that a peace about the whole situation came over him and instead, he felt the need to write these words. Now, honestly, if I were in that same situation, I don’t think sitting down to write would be my first inclination – BUT – what he shared next was that he has always liked journaling and that it helps him to get his thoughts onto paper. And a part of that journaling is that he often finds that when he doesn’t know what to say to someone that he needs to talk to, he’ll write them a letter first. Sometimes he shares the letter, sometimes not, depending on the situation. But that is what he was basically doing with his grandfather. This song was what he wanted to be able to say to his grandfather… and the neat thing is that later in the night, he did leave and he was able to be with his granddad just before he died. He shared the words to this song with him and said that he got to sing a couple of worship songs with him and that it was a very special time.

So, I’m sharing the words to the song here because I really liked the story, it’s a beautiful song, and it caught my attention because I like to do the same thing with journaling and writing letters… it helps me a lot to get my thoughts out on paper and to be able to ‘say the words I would say’ – whether or not I ever actually share them with anyone or not.

I looked for the song on YouTube so that I could post it here, but I guess it’s new enough that it isn’t out there yet. I did download it from itunes… but of course, you can’t put an itunes link in here. SO, you just get the lyrics. But the song is worth the $1.29 if you like the lyrics. :-)

**OK --- well, silly me... after I posted this, I finally found the song on myspace... so here's the link:

The Words I Would Say

3:00 in the morning and I’m still awake
So I picked up a pen and a page
And I started writing just what I’d say
If we were face to face
I’d tell you just what you mean to me
Tell you these simple truths:

Be strong in the Lord and
Never give up hope
You’re gonna do great things
I already know
God’s got his hand on you so
Don’t live life in fear
Forgive and forget but
Don’t forget why you’re here
Take your time and pray
These are the words I would say

Last time we spoke
You said you were hurting
And I felt your pain in my heart
I want to tell you
That I keep on praying
That love will find you where you are
I know cause I’ve already been there
So please hear these simple truths:

Be strong in the Lord and
Never give up hope
You’re gonna do great things
I already know
God’s got his hand on you so
Don’t live life in fear
Forgive and forget but
Don’t forget why you’re here
Take your time and pray
These are the words I would say

From one simple life to another
I will say come find peace in the Father

Be strong in the Lord and
Never give up hope
You’re gonna do great things
I already know
God’s got his hand on you so
Don’t live life in fear
Forgive and forget but
Don’t forget why you’re here
Take your time and pray
Thank God for each day
His love will find a way
These are the words I would say


Kyle D. Yates said...


I have been Googleing the 'Prophets all day today. It may seem strange, but I have known the band longer than most people and keep in contact with them frequently. Good job on the lyrics (however, be careful! if you copied and pasted from another site, I've been noticing some spelling errors. 1. father - Father, 2. your - you're 3. Gods -- God's

Whatever the case, the song has touched my heart as well. I made a fan film and posted it on You Tube. If it is alright with you, can you add it to your blog? Sort of a symbiotic relationship. You have a nice video to your entry, and I get views.

My video is under "room28ministris" on You Tube. And the URL is:

Your Bro in Christ,
Kyle Yates

Becca said...

I heard this song on the radio tonight and by the time I got home, I had forgotten many of the exact lyrics. I just had an idea of the song in my head and wanted to find the words online. After about 20 minutes of searching and trying different phrases, I finally came up with the right combination on google that lead me to your blog. It's a great song- thanks for putting up the lyrics!

Kay said...

I had no idea that posting the lyrics to this song would draw people here -- but I'm glad that it's been helpful and I appreciate your comments. :)

Becca -- I did the same thing you did... heard a bit of the song and wanted to find it -- searched and searched and ended up just downloading it and writing up the lyrics myself because I couldn't find them anywhere. Glad it could be a blessing to you. :)