Friday, December 18, 2009


So tonight hasn't really gone as I planned earlier in the week. I was supposed to be out on an anniversary date with my hubby having a nice dinner at Rosies.... BUT, I woke up with what I'm calling a "Christmas cold" -- you know, the headcold that attacks you when you've been doing too much, you're too stressed, and you finally just get taken over by the stuffy nose, sore thoat, hacking cough thing. :(

Anyways, so instead of being out on the town, I was calling Jack talking to him about what to pick up for dinner at Walmart on his way home. :) Oh, and by the way, while he was there I asked him to get some super duper, high powered Drano to pour down the girl's clogged bathroom sinks and tub upstairs. They'd been complaining about standing water.... well.... I had no idea what we were in for. Jack came home with this stuff called "Roto Rooter" and a neat little device called the Zip-It Drain Cleaning Tool.
Now, normally, I would just not incriminate myself by showing the extent to which things can get disgustingly dirty in my house, but I don't know, I just had to share this. You really have no idea what can be hiding in your drains! Jack used the Zip-It on Mackenzie's sink and the stuff that came out was pretty nasty... but it was nothing compared to what happened when he stuck that thing down the bathtub drain and started pulling stuff out. Oh my goodness....

As Jack said, it looks like we drug a dead, very long-haired, rat out of the drain! It's amazing to me that any water at all was draining through that. So there you go -- you can just call this 'confessions of a usually pretty clean person.' I'm embarassed to admit this was the state of the drains in my house, but at least it's all clean now!
So I'm sorry for grossing everyone out, but hey, this is a great product endorsement for the Zip-It -- seriously -- Jack got it for about $2.00 at Walmart and it works great! (We also used the Roto Rooter stuff, too - just for good measure!) So now, you too, can have clean drains for cheap! Just make sure you eat BEFORE you start cleaning out your drains - yuck!

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