Friday, July 30, 2010

Anna's Extreme Room Makeover :)

Most of last week was spent turning Anna's Extremely Orange room into a much more serene and calm beautifully blue room. :) So I thought I'd post the transformation in pictures...

This was how things looked before we began to tear apart the room.

Jack did a lot of the hard prep work - scraping the pink magnetic paint strip off the walls, mudding that, and then LOTS of sanding. After that it was a thick layer of KILZ to 'kill' that orange paint!!

Last summer, Anna helped Natalie paint her room, so it was only fitting that she got to come over and help Anna with her room. :)

With the walls all done, it was time to reconfigure the shelves so that Anna's bed would fit up against the wall.

The last part of the room makeover got some help from Emma, Amber, and Jenna. Anna wanted to write scriptures all over her new sheets so that she could sleep "all wrapped up in Jesus" - so the girls came over last Sunday afternoon and helped decorate her sheets with their favorite verses. :)

And here is the (almost) finished room - pretty blue walls, new comforter and of course, her old pals Timmy and Tammy the turtles. There are still some pictures to hang and a few other touches to add, so I'll update later. But she loves her new room.
One thing that's been funny. Without exception, everyone who has heard that we were painting her room has said the same thing.... "Didn't you JUST paint it orange?!?!?" Well, it was 2 summers ago when I was last in there going crazy on about the 5th coat of orange paint. I remember it all too well... but it has been 2 years, so I guess it's ok for another change. (I do hope this one lasts for a while though!! ha)

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