Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Outside my window...

Stealing (once again) from my friend Lisa's blog, I've been wanting to try this for a while, so here goes...

Outside my window... it’s a cold, gray, rainy, windy morning. The last of the fall leaves are being blown off the trees.

I am thinking... about friends who are going through hard things and wishing I could do more to help.

I am wondering...
what this time a year from now is going to look like.

I am thankful for... a warm fire, my dog’s company, and many good things that I know I don’t deserve.

In the learning rooms... I’m finding out all I can about financing a college education. :)

In the kitchen... are dishes I just finished washing from yesterday’s cooking – beef stew for dinner and chicken salad for lunches.

I am wearing... comfy t-shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants, fuzzy socks and sporting a bad case of bed head.

I am creating... a plan, or at least gathering thoughts, for a “mini-retreat” coming up soon.

I am going... to put the wash in the dryer and put clean dishes away.

I am reading... “Birthright”, by David Needham – it’s challenging me to think deeper about many things.

I am hoping... that my problems with Comcast are going to get fixed today. ha

I am hearing... the “wrinkle guard” feature on my dryer reminding me that I need to get my clothes out.

Around the house... baskets of laundry (do you see a theme here?), lazy, sleeping dog, piles in corners that need to be put away…

I am praying... for wisdom.

One of my favorite things... is seeing how excited Mackenzie is right now about college plans and her future

A picture to share... Mackenzie got her acceptance letter from Lipscomb yesterday! :)

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