Wednesday, July 13, 2011


It's hard to stay on top of everything all the time.  It feels like every day I'm rushing to take care of at least one thing that's going to become an issue if I don't do it RIGHT NOW.  Today it was two things - emailing a catering agreement back for my parent's 50th wedding anniversary party coming up in the beginning of August - and the second thing was something I almost didn't do because I thought it was already taken care of.  (Don't you hate those?)  I'm having some outpatient surgery tomorrow and the surgery center called me last week to confirm my appointment, tell me what I needed to bring, and pay, etc.  So I thought I was good to go.  But apparently when you recieve that piece of paper from you doctors office and they've highlighted in bright yellow and checkmarked and made it really obvious that you need to CALL THE SURGERY CENTER TO REGISTER AND HERE'S THE PHONE NUMBER....   well, I guess YOU need to call THEM.  :)   I called today just to double-check and make sure that everything was taken care of, and NO, I wasn't registered yet.  So, I really have no idea what the phone call FROM them last week was really about, other than to confuse me and perhaps to make sure I was going to PAY for the surgery that I was NOT registered for. ;-) 

OK, sorry - that was just a little rant for the day.   ha

So this seems to be the year for medical stuff with my family.  I thought we had enough with my sister's Addison's disease and my dad's heart attack.  Well, he finished his last day at cardiac rehab today, and he and my sister are both doing SO much better (yay!) and so I guess it's my turn to start something new tomorrow.    I get to have a hysteroscopy and a LEEP procedure.  And it sounds silly, but at the moment I think I'm more worried about how I'm going to react to the anesthesia than I am about the results of the biopsies they're going to do...  and that may be because I've gotten more information about dealing with the effects of anesthesia than I have about what exactly they are trying to find with the hysteroscopy.  I think that's because doctors are very reluctant to say anything about the 'C' word until they know for sure what they are dealing with.  And honestly, I don't think they're going to find anything, so I'm not TOO worried...  but still, it's a bit unnerving all the same. 

So, if you're reading, please say a prayer for me in the wee hours of tomorrow morning (or before that if you don't want to get up early - ha!!) - for my surgery and the results and perhaps even that one of these days I'll be better organized so that not every day seems to have some sort of emergency! ;-)

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