Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Gymnastics Season is Here Again...

Well, it's February 1st and I'm pretty glad January is gone, though I'm not trying to wish time away, especially since it seems to be going faster and faster these days.  I kind-of feel like I need to start my year over today in terms of resolutions - ha.  I have kept up with my reading through the New Testament, but my fitness goals have certainly not progressed!   I'm not really enjoying this season of Biggest Loser just yet since it keeps reminding me that "there are no excuses."  Yeah, well, this is my blog post about traveling for gymnastics being my excuse! ;-)   We are in the thick of competition season for gymnastics and have been to 2 meets in the last month.  One to Knoxville and one to Charleston, SC.  That was this past weekend and aside from all the driving, it was a fun weekend.  We had the chance to stay with my sister and visit with her family.  Considering that this time last year I was spending a lot of time going back and forth to Columbia to take care of my sister, I'm really, really thankful that she is 100% better now and we just got to have a fun weekend together! :)

Thought I'd share a few pictures of Anna from the meet...  she placed 3rd on Vault and 4th on Beam - funny how those have become her best events - the total opposite of last year.  Go figure.  Oh!!  And the big news of today (at least in our little world) is that Anna came home from gym last night and had finally been able to do a giant on the Uneven Bars!  I don't really know how to properly communicate how big of a deal that is to anyone who doesn't live in the world of gymnastics, but for Anna it is a HUGE accomplishment that, as she said last night, "she has been looking forward to being able to do since she was 9 years old."  So, yay...  I really hope that is going to help her get back up to where she wants to be in competition on her Bar routines.  :)

Anyways...  pictures:

Anna probably wouldn't want me to put this up, but here's her Beam routine - other than the one fall, I think it's pretty awesome! :)

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