Friday, February 24, 2012


Wow… was my last post really February 1st?  Well, I guess it was about that time almost a month ago that I was having lunch with Misty and Tracy.  Misty and I talked for a few minutes after lunch and I was, honestly, complaining about the state of my life.  She said something to me…  asked me a question, actually.  She said, “What’s that saying about the definition of crazy?”  And it hit me…  “Oh, you mean, ‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?’”  Uh, yeah, that’s the saying.  I’ve heard it many times, but I think this time God had in mind for it to actually mean something in my life.

The very next day, Anna had been asked to serve by babysitting at a bible study for some women meeting at my friend Selwyn’s house.  They are all women that she has gotten to know through her husband’s work at a men’s addiction recovery program called The Way.  They are spouses, girlfriends, moms, etc.  Some of them have been through their own battles with addiction and recovery.  All of them are really neat women.  As I dropped Anna off and left, I was hit with the overwhelming urge to stay and be a part of this group – but it would mean giving up the time I was spending singing with our group at church on Wed. nights – a time that has been very important to me.  Lifesaving, actually.  But the pull on my spirit was so clearly from His Spirit about this bible study.  And Misty’s words came back to mind…  insanity… doing the same thing…  Was I ready for a change?  Am I EVER ready for change?  I think I’ve said enough times before that it isn’t something I do very well.  Could that be why I’ve felt so stuck for such a long time and why I found myself complaining (again) just the day before? 

So I decided to jump on that opportunity that the Spirit was nudging me towards and talk to Selwyn about joining the bible study.  So the next week I didn’t just drop Anna off, I stayed as well.  It was great!  J   So that’s been one of the changes that have happened in February.
On that same Wednesday (it was an eventful day!), I saw a post on Facebook that Angel’s Island Coffee was looking for some part-time help.  Well, I’ve been contemplating a part-time job for probably 2 years now.  And avoiding the thought.  And thinking about it some more.  And getting overwhelmed thinking just how that would work.  And not knowing how to come up with a resume for someone who hasn’t worked in 20 years.  And just generally ‘chasing cars in my head’ (as the song goes) and never really believing that the job thing would work out. 

But I was in this “stop the insanity” mode.  So I walked.  And I prayed.  And I came home and picked up the phone and had a good talk with Angel about the job.  The next day she called me back and offered it to me! So yeah, now I’m a barista! J  And I’m exhausted – but that’s not really a complaint.  It’s just a side-effect of change.  My world has also been tossed upside down.  But again, not a complaint.  It’s really just nice to begin to feel like some of the ‘insanity’ of my life in a rut is beginning to turn a corner.   (And this is a picture of me off to my first day of work!)

Along with all that, I’ve been out of town 2 weekends in a row to Gatlinburg, TN for gymnastics and for Winterfest with the teens at church.  Good times – but hard to be gone so much!   Then speaking of change, there’s been a mess brewing at church over women’s roles that I don’t even think I have the energy to go into here.  It’s just all so heartbreaking to me.  So there may be more change to come.  My friend Lisa writes about it today as a guest on the blog, In a Mirror Dimly.  Here’s a link to her post:   

I’m still trying to figure out how to link to their “Women In Ministry” series.  Guess I’m still more technologically challenged than I’d like to admit.

So to wrap up… I’m thankful for a little ‘push’ from Misty a few weeks ago.  I miss singing on Wed. nights (a lot!!!), but I’m so encouraged by my new group of friends at the bible study.  I miss late nights and quiet mornings, but I really like my new job.  I’ve seen more sunrises in the past 3 weeks than I have in a long time – but one morning the sun was rising behind me as I started up the mountain and as I went down the other side, there was mist laying low over the city that wasn’t quite awake yet and it was just glorious.  Really.  J  I have dish-pan hands, I’ve spilled at least one large coffee all over everywhere in the middle of a rush, I’ve slipped and tossed a big scoop of ice cream across the floor (that was kinda funny) and made at least one customer come back through the drive-thru for the whip cream I forgot to put on her coffee (a big oops!) – but I’ve also been told by a self-prescribed picky customer that the latte I made for her was really good and I’m told that I’m catching on to things pretty quickly.  So that makes me happy.  J  

Maybe there really is something to putting yourself into places where change is required.  It’s definitely requiring more faith and trust in God.  I know that’s a good thing.  And it’s got my mind busy and wrapped around things that are taking me forward – and that’s a good thing.

It’s been a busy, busy month.  And this has been a very long post. Ha. I imagine it will be like this for a little while.  At least until I adjust to all the change…  J

PS…  come and see me at Angels! (yes, in the early morning hours) …even if you don’t like coffee, there’s A LOT to choose from!  But try my white chocolate mocha and I might make a coffee drinker out of you! J

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