Thursday, April 5, 2012

Those things that happen...

Not to be outdone by her sister, Anna has now had her first wreck as a 15-year-old learning how to drive.  And yes, she rear-ended someone.  Fortunately for us all, there was no damage to the other car -- she managed to *mostly* come to a screeching halt just before bumping into the truck in front of us with a nice trailer hitch sticking out the back.  Saved his truck, but left this nice big dent in my poor van's front bumper.  But hey, at least it didn't total the car!   Or hurt anybody...  but we will certainly be a lot more careful about lessons on how to change lanes, looking behind you, and staying aware of what the traffic is doing in front of you -- all at the same time! :)   It's such a bad feeling to turn your head back around only to find yourself speeding towards a car in front of you and all you can do is yell STOP, STOP, STTTTTOOOOOOPPPPPPP.........  *BAM*   Really don't want to do that again.  ha. 

So that was on Monday.  Then Tuesday I went upstairs and realized our airconditioning wasn't working.  Thankfully, Wednesday came and went without any new catastrophies.  I was worried that April might not be off to such a good start!    I'd like to figure out how to avoid these kinds of things, but, these are just those things that happen, right?  Guess I'm needing some more work on not letting the frustration of inconvenience and unexpected costs get to me...  life has a way of bringing constant lessons in that area!

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