Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Treasures in the Attic

In keeping with one of the many things that people resolve to do in the new year, I am going to try to 'de-clutter' my house this year.  My attic is starting to fill up with STUFF and the PILES that I tend to set aside to 'deal with later' are begging to be dealt with NOW.  So, in trying not to overwhelm myself, my thought is that I will deal with one pile that I find or one box from the attic per day (or more realistically, as I get to them) and slowly, but surely, I hope that I will throw out a whole lot of stuff in my house this year.  :)  This idea came to me in the shower on New Year's Day and along with it came the 'Treasures in the Attic' title for the blog.  I thought it would be fun to take pictures along the way of what I am tackling on any given day and talk about one thing that I find interesting along the way.  Of course, when I initially thought of this, I planned to start in the attic.  But then my office seemed to be a place where organization was more immediately needed.  :)  SO, here is my first picture of a pile that I started work on last night. 


Hopefully there are no criminals looking too closely at my credit card and trying to get the numbers there...   but really, no worries, I think that account is closed anyhow.  ha.  So confession...  this is a stack of Credit Card stuff that I have been meaning to deal with for a long time.  It's accounts that need to be closed because we don't use them anymore, etc.  I have been stacking stuff there for a while...  And here is my fun fact from this pile.  At the bottom of it I found a credit report - you know that free one you get every year...  well, apparently I decided one other time to deal with this stuff and ordered the 3 reports.  That was in June of 2011.  For real.  So embarrassing.  SO, the end result of this pile was that I cut up a bunch of cards, ordered a NEW credit report, and on my day off this Thursday when it's SUPER cold outside, I will be wrapped up in a blanket in my office cancelling credit cards and finishing off this pile of mess.  :)
I realize this might not be interesting to anyone else but me, but I'm trying to get myself motivated here.  Hope some of you will enjoy coming along with me in the journey! 

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