Friday, May 8, 2009

Band Trip Blessings

It's been a while since my last post... I've been doing a lot of reading and journaling the last couple of weeks, so that may explain my lack of writing here. But I wanted to share some experiences from my day today that came as very unexpected blessings.

Today I chaperoned Anna's 6th grade band trip down to Westbrook Christian Academy in Rainbow City. This was one of those trips that got a very early start... you know, be at the school by 5:30 to load busses and get on the road by 6:00. (yawn!!) So I was up at 4:00am trying to get a shower and get things done and be early. (I did end up being on time, but not early!!) ;-)

Anyways, the purpose of this trip was to go to the school, play a short concert for the elementary and middle school kids, and then give them some gifts that we had purchased for them with money that the band students have been working to raise. The Westbrook Christian Academy is affiliated with the Big Oak Boys and Girls Ranch that is neaby in Rainbow City. Big Oak houses kids who come from some very difficult life situations. (You can read more about Big Oak at

Since this was my first time going on this trip, I wasn't exactly sure what all would happen, and that's where some of the 'surprises' came for me. First of all, we arrived just as school was starting for them at 8:00am. The first thing they do in the morning is assemble all the kids and have a morning devotional. :-) So our band kids, along with their kids, had the very nice opportunity to say the pledge of allegiance not just to our nation's flag, but also to the Christian flag and to the Bible! All of that was lead by what appeared to be a few 5th grade students. They also read a scripture and then we had a prayer for the day. It was so very, very refreshing to see a school day started that way. Oh that we could do something so simple, and yet so profound, in our public schools....

So then we played our concert music for them -- the kids were so appreciative and attentive. And we're talking about an audience of about 300 kids... unbelievably well-behaved. Everyone had fun, the gifts were given, the kids got to 'meet and greet' some of the students there... all in all it was a very good experience. At the end, the principal, as she wrapped up the event, thanked our band for coming and offered up such a beautiful prayer on our behalf that literally brought me to tears. I'm not quite sure what that was all about, except that I was just very moved by the whole thing this morning and I saw God so clearly in that moment. I think I was just really needing that and wasn't expecting it at all.

Afterwards, I spent some time talking with the principal and she relayed a remarkable story to me. She told me that last year, just before our band came to visit for the first time, she had been praying with another teacher at their school for this teacher's son. (Patrick) He was going through a very difficult time in his life and it had gotten to the point that there was really nothing else that could be done but pray and surrender the situation to God. So after the band played their concert, our band director, Mr. Swanner, who had never met this principal before that day, or the teacher, felt somehow 'compelled' as he was talking to them to share a bit of his life story with them. It turns out that Mr. Swanner had been through the same kind of difficult struggle that Patrick was now going through, and the only thing that had saved him was turning to God through it all. When the principal and teacher heard his story, they asked him if he would join them in praying specifically for Patrick to turn to God and turn his life around. Mr. Swanner of course said he would pray for him, and he did, and shortly after that, Patrick was involved in a horrible car accident that claimed the lives of, I think, 3 other people in the car -- only he survived. And in the aftermath of all of that, he gave his life to the Lord, dealt with the troubles in his life, and has been a completely changed man ever since.

Mr. Swanner had no idea how this story turned out until he walked up while the principal was telling me about this -- and he got to find out 'the rest of the story' about Patrick. He went on to describe how strange it felt that he was so compelled to tell these ladies (strangers!) his very personal story. He figured they were going to think he was crazy... but God had a purpose in it all.

So, that was kind-of a long story, and if I wasn't so tired, I might have told it a little better. ;-) But I wanted to get it written while it was on my mind. And now, it's time to go crawl into bed and hopefully get a little longer night's sleep tonight! :-)

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