Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy 70th Birthday Mom!! :)

Last Friday night, January 8th, we gathered at our clubhouse out here in my neighborhood to celebrate my Mom's 70th Birthday with a surprise party! My sister had flown in from South Carolina the day before to surprise BOTH my parents with her presence -- she was able to get here (ahead of the snow!!) to join us as we cheered Alabama on to victory in the National Championship game on Thursday night -- and then she fooled my mom into thinking that she was just here to join us at my house for a dinner with the family. Little did my mom know all of the preparations that my sister, brother and I had been up to all week! :)

So here is the night, and the story, in pictures:

Setting up the clubhouse - my sister arranged for some of the dinner to be catered by Shea's Express - their yummy award-winning salad and chocolate cheesecake! I made Chicken Tetrazzini (to feed about a thousand people - I don't know what I was thinking quadrupaling that recipe - ha!) and some banana pudding. Most special of all, Anna made and decorated a birthday cake. (with some help from her sister!)

My brother couldn't get here from Paris (though he really wanted to be here!), but his generosity made it possible for us to get these BEAUTIFUL flowers (and the food from Shea's Express!) Thank you Mark!! :)

So my mom tells me that she was totally surprised - it did look that way when she walked in the door! yay!

Getting a hug from Sue Underwood.

Mom surrounded by friends - Louise Whitten, Bet Farless, Joan Hacker, Sue Underwood

Jack with the Farless family.

Herb and Sue, Joe and Joan and Louise

The Birthday Girl. :)

Proud Grandma. :)

Me and my sister - having fun now that the work is done and the party has started! :) (and this makes a pretty good advertisement for Milos tea, don't you think?)

Unfortunately, with the cold weather and icy roads over the mountain, there were several people who really wanted to be at the party who couldn't make it, but we had a really special time with those who were there. I know my mom appreciated everyone's presence and the cards and well-wishes of those who couldn't be there.

You know, something I've thought a lot about lately, is that the older I get, the more I appreciate all that my mom has done for me. It's not easy being a mom. You have your own life and your own stuff to deal with and at the same time, you want so much for your kids to have everything and for life to turn out good for them. I know my mom wanted that for me. I know I want that for my kids. And it's a hard balance, and requires a lot of sacrifice, to try to take care of everyone and still hold yourself together. I feel that at times... and looking back, I see so much more clearly how much my mom sacrificed for me... and I'm grateful.
Thanks Mom -- I love you! Happy Birthday!! :)

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