Thursday, April 7, 2011

Upstairs, Downstairs

This is the state that I left my upstairs in to escape to the downstairs for just a little while and take a deep breath!   There's a BIG neighborhood garage sale going on this weekend and we're trying to clean out the attics around here...  mostly right now, we're just moving piles of stuff from one place to another and I'm trying hard not to get too overwhelmed! ha.   Oh where's my sister when I need her?!?  :)

Ahhh.... Downstairs.  :)  I had to clean up first down here before starting anything up there just to make sure I had a place to retreat to!

If you look back a few posts, you'll see this room when I was getting started on it.  It's the 'picture' room.  I'm not sure you can really call anything going on in here 'progress' except that I did manage to find enough pictures of Mackenzie over the years to send in for her Senior Band Awards Banquet... at least that's one mission accomplished - yay!!

ALL of those bags have stuffed animals in them.  I can't even begin to explain how we could have possibly accumulated all of those over the years.  And hey, does anyone need a model of the solar system for a school project?  I've got one of those too!

 And this is how I found Mandy when I came downstairs...  there is something terribly wrong with her work ethic!  sigh....

It's amazing all the STUFF you come across when you start cleaning out the attic.  Things that you forgot you had, things you thought you had surely thrown away long ago, things you SHOULD have thrown away long ago, things you didn't know you ever even owned...  wow.  Lot's of memories, too.   But I will glad when it's all done!!  Wish me luck - or better yet, pray for my sanity! :)

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