Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools

I haven't laughed like that in such a long time!

Last night the whole family was sitting around catching up on epidsodes of American Idol and looking at old family photos that I've found as I've been going thru boxes and boxes of pictures. We were also passing computers around looking at youtube videos when Anna suddenly remembered a video that we all just HAD to see. Well, it was something about hippos and dogs singing and it was very silly. In the light of day, I don't think I would have found it quite as funny, but last night it got me and the girls laughing. THEN, Anna went from that straight into a very comical impression of one of her teachers - but SHE was laughing so hard already that it was hard for her to compose herself to do it. I wish everyone could see Anna when she gets like this - she's SO funny! :) Well, I don't know what happened to me, but I laughed so hysterically that I was in tears - to the point they were streaming down my face and my stomach hurt so much from laughing that I thought I'd be sore from it today! :)

A little later on, after all the hysteria died down, we finally got everyone up and going to bed. Anna confided to me on the way to her room that she had grabbed a box of clingwrap from downstairs and was planning to wrap it over the toilet and pull the old "pee on the cling wrap" April Fool's prank on her sister. Mackenzie's morning routine lends itself perfectly to such an endeavor because she likes to get up at about 5:30 every morning, take a shower, and then crawl back in bed to sleep for another hour - thus, most of this is done in a state of very little consciousness. ;-) ...and therefore, if she did happen to use the bathroom before getting in the shower this would probably have worked!! BUT, I guess we'll never know because Anna fell asleep before Mackenzie and never got around to putting her plan into action - bummer. ;-)

Anyways, it got me thinking at some point that it felt really good to laugh like that - I need more of that in my life. And April Fools Day (and seeing the weather predictions for snow up in Boston) got me thinking back to when Anna was just a baby and we lived in Canton, MA and fell victim ourselves to 'Mother Nature's' April Fools snowstorm on us - almost a foot of snow if I remember correctly! crazy... Hmmm.... now if I could just think of someone to play a joke on that would appreciate it! ha...

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