Monday, September 19, 2011

Sometimes you hear or read something so many times that the significance of it escapes you.  That has happened to me with this prayer that is so popular.  But it was quoted in a book I was reading this morning and today, instead of speeding past it with a "Yeah, I've heard that before, blah, blah...," it landed on my heart with a noticable thud and has stayed with me all day.  I've always liked this prayerbut today I suddenly realized how much I struggle with this prayer! I don't do it well at all and I don't think that I had realized that so clearly until today and it seriously challenges me.  I don't really think I can get into on here all of the different places in my life that this prayer touches and needs to be applied, but I just wanted to "put it out there" and hope that if you come across this, maybe you'll spend a minute with it and let it fall fresh on your heart today, too.

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