Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What I'm listening to...

It's been interesting over the last month since Mackenzie left for school to hear about all of her new experiences.  One of the things that she is enjoying the most is the opportunity to visit different churches and various gatherings for times of singing, praise, and worship.  I've heard about everything from Granny White Pike Church of Christ to Ethos and Sanctuary.  There are dorm devos, chapel services, spontaneous discussions with kids from all sorts of faith backgrounds sitting out on the lawn late at night, and nightly times of reading and prayer with her roommate.  Each experience brings its own unique style and each is bringing valuable new insights.  And the more I hear, the more I wish I could go back to college and experience it for myself! :) 

Yes, I admit, I am just a little bit envious.

Can I tell you the most creative thing I've heard?  ...and I just love this.  A week or two ago she told me that she had gone to a dinner for the kids that are in the Music Department and as they prepared to eat, they were asked to all join together and sing the Doxology as their prayer before the meal.  (Mackenzie said it was just beautiful!)  Maybe it doesn't have the same effect on you, but that runs chills up and down my spine as I think about how special that must have been.

So my way of connecting just a little bit to all of this has been to start listening to some 'podcasts' of sermons from the Ethos Church that Mackenzie has been attending on Sunday nights.  I've listened to 3 in the past few days and each one has been powerful, challenging and uplifting.  So I thought I'd share a link to my current favorite called "GO: Messy Church."    Those of you who know me well will probably laugh knowingly at why I like this just based on the title.  ha.   I hope, if you're reading, that you will take the opportunity to listen and be encouraged as I have been.


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