Monday, March 16, 2009

Girls will be Girls

Just a quick thought before the night gets away from me. You know these days it seems our kids grow up so fast. Before you know it they're texting 100 wpm on their cell phones and chatting on facebook with their 500 new friends... and wearing makeup and talking about boys... sigh. But tonight I had the pleasure of watching my 12 year old, Anna, with her BFF Emma just have some good old-fashioned 'little' girl fun - making a tent in the back yard. But better than the tent was the whole 'story' that went along with what they were doing... Complete with scientific experiments on Orangutans and not letting anything touch the 'black' part of the trampoline or it will DIE. Reminds me of when I was a little girl sharing a room with my sister and if one of us had to get up to go to the bathroom, you somehow had to get out of the room without putting your feet on the carpet or you were officially eaten alive by an alligator. ;-)

Anyway, it was nice to see them just being kids and enjoying it so much. It was even funnier when they got all excited about watching a movie out there after dark and lasted all of, oh, 5 minutes, I think, before the wind blowing against the tent sounded way too much like people coming to get them. Yes, 12 year olds are still afraid of the dark. ;-)

So the next time Anna comes downstairs with her hair straightened and mascara on and the latest cute dress that she's picked out -- and I get a glimpse of what she's going to look like at about age 17 - I'll take a deep breath and just try to remember tonight. :-)

This was when I first discovered what the girls were doing with all of my sheets and blankets - putting up 'curtains' on the trampoline...

And this was later, getting ready to watch the movie, after dad had made it home and brought out the parachute to cover the trampoline and make a pretty cool tent out of it all!

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