Tuesday, August 9, 2011

High School Update

Well...  Day One was...  OK.  So she didn't really get the schedule she wanted, or the teachers she hoped for, or any of her best friends in her classes (or lunch), and it was a "long, boring day."   "And yeah, we were the ones that just got dumped off into whatever classes..."      But when I kissed her goodbye this morning (or at least tried to - ha)  and told her I hoped that she had a better day today, she said, with exasperation, "Mom, yesterday was FINE."   OK, then... silly me.  Guess I interpreted things wrong.  ;-) 

This picture was from about 10:00 last night after school, gym until 8:00, dinner, homework, organizing notebooks, etc...  getting a little love from Mandy. ;-) 

So we survived the first day of High School and she's off for another day.  I'm hoping that today when I pick her up, it won't be in the middle of a horrendous thunder storm and we'll have a little more 'normal' afternoon today.  Yesterday was spent huddled in the car in a parking garage for an hour because we didn't want to get out in the rain and go in anywhere!

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