Friday, November 4, 2011

Husbands and Wool Socks

Today is almost over, so what I'm thankful for right this minute (as I just walked in the door) is my good husband who was willing to take the long way home and go by the church tonight to retrieve Anna's backpack from the church office porch where Rodney left it after she forgot to get it out of his car today.  This will enable her to get her homework done tomorrow. :)  And it kept me and Anna from having to make the trek by the church to get it so we could get home a few minutes faster and she could get in the shower and get to bed so she can get up and get to gym bright and early in the morning!  whew! 

Oh, and I'm thankful for warm wool socks and good boots that kept my feet nice and warm while standing outside on a cold night watching soccer games over in Decatur.

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