Sunday, July 8, 2012

Last weekend I was able to attend the Summer Celebration at Lipscomb.  I've been wanting to go for the past few years, but family vacations have always seemed to fall around this time of year and I haven't been able to do it.  But everything worked out this year and I was able to get away and go with Jeff, Lisa and Jenna.  So before I forget everything that I got out of that couple of days, I thought I'd record a few highlights:

Best times of singing, praise and worship:
Late Monday night with the praise team from the Hillsboro Church
Late Sunday night with the praise team from Otter Creek Church
A special treat singing "It Is Well With My Soul" led by Michael W. Smith  (more on that later)
And it's hard not to be encouraged by Keith Lancaster's spirited leading of even some of our oldest hymns  :)

Most encouraging class:
A Missional Experiment: The Journey of the Ethos Church --- We got a chance to hear how the church got started and various stories of faith that have encouraged them over the past 3 years. The most uplifting thing to me was that everything they shared centered around the very simple idea that 'Jesus changes everything.' They spoke very little about their 'church' but said a whole lot about what Jesus was doing among them... maybe that explains why their 'experiment' has been so overwhelmingly successful at drawing people to Jesus.

Funny moments along the way:
The 'scary toilet' in our shared bathroom
Thinking that we had found a quiet spot to each lunch outside only to be serenaded by a lawnmower and weed eaters
Going to Joe Beam's class "The Art of Love" with Jeff  (no, that wasn't awkward at all - ha)
Getting lost trying to find Mafioza's, then finally finding it, parking in the wrong parking lot, only to find that it was closed anyway... 
The look on Jeff's face as he tried to figure out something that he could eat at Fido's
Sitting in a class at the Shamblin Theater wrapped head to toe in my sleeping bag because I swear it was, like, 20 degrees in that room all weekend

Most unexpected thing that I really liked:
A class called "Come to the Quiet:  Creation" that I had not planned on going to, but ended up in because Patrick Mead was not able to make it to speak this year because of the fires in Colorado (which I was so disappointed about because I just LOVE him!)  ....anyways.... this class ended up being a time of guided, responsive reading of scripture and prayers with a few hymns sprinkled in.  It ended up being very refreshing, contemplative and moving.    Something I needed and didn't even know...  :)

A highlight for me:

Rhonda Lowery (the wife of Randy Lowery, president of Lipscomb) hosts 'conversations' with people every year at this event.  One of her guests this time was Michael W. Smith - one of my heros.  :)    I just love his music and what he has meant as a pioneer to Christian contemporary music.   I loved getting to hear his story, a little about his career, and a lot about what his passion (besides music) is now - the Rocketown ministry in downtown Nashville.  I was not aware until then that he had started that and it was neat to hear about what that ministry is doing for kids in that area.   Just one more example of creative ways to reach out with the heart and love of Jesus through community to those who may not find their way in to 'church' in any other way.   (example... they have 'Skater Church' on Tuesday nights where all the kids that come there to use the indoor skate park can get in for free that night and they have a devotional for them - pretty cool.)

At the very end of the interview with Michael W. Smith, Rhonda Lowery asked him to play a hym for us...  he smiled and said, "Oh, I know just what to play...  but I want you all to sing for me with your 3 part harmony."  (It's 4 part, but who's counting - ha)  So he sat down at the piano and began to play "It Is Well With My Soul" and we all started to sing.  Then everyone in the auditorium began to stand up and we sang along as he played - it was beautiful.  As he started into the 2nd verse, he stopped playing and just stood up and walked around in front of the piano to stand and listen to us sing the rest of the song... and it was just the neatest moment - to see how much he was enjoying our singing and how awesome it sounded.   It's hard to describe, but it was just an inspiring moment.

I know there was a lot more, but that is what is coming to mind now.   It was great getting away for a couple of days and just having time to be immersed in lessons and conversation about Jesus and enjoying times of singing and worship of all kinds.  It was also a lot of fun to be a part of how the Burgesses do these kinds of things as a family.  It was fun to go off to different classes and then all get together at meals and the end of the day to share what we learned...  and I loved that Jenna was the one that insisted at the end of the day (even when everybody was tired) that we get together and share from the day.  That's awesome. :)  

(Speaking of Jenna - just wanted to give her credit for the photos - I stole them from her!!) 


Lisa notes... said...

Oh, these all made me smile! Good times. And meaningful times. A great read heading into my my last hour before I start my 24-hour alone time with Jesus, thanks to Summer Celebration. :-)

I've been meaning to write a recap myself, but you've summed it up great! We were/are blessed to have you as part of our family.

His Song to Sing said...

Hello new friend and now a new blogger friend also! I enjoyed your recap of last week very much. It was a real blessing for me also and I'm already working on my husband to join me next year.

I'm truly thankful that God brought Lisa into my life through the Blogosphere. He works in amazing ways! You two are blessed to have each other. I sensed how you nurture each other in your individual unique ways and that's the beautiful thing about spiritual friendships.

You make me want to write about Summer Celebration also. I've told several people about the experience with MWS and specifically the way it ended with us singing to him. What a beautiful moment! I might have to ask for some of Jenna's pictures too ... hah!

Jenna said...

haha, this post brought back many good memories... ;) oh how I hated that toilet!! :P
but I really was blessed to get to spend the weekend with you. I admire your faith and it is so encouraging to me!!
<3 <3