Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 9 - God on Call

So I'm out to town again with Anna at a gymnastics meet so I'm experimenting with posting from my iPad... The good news for all of you reading is that I won't be as wordy as I usually am!  ha :).    This is also my excuse for not posting yesterday...  busy, busy day.

So just a quick couple of thoughts from yesterday's reading.  I loved his opening verse :

"Go home to your friends and tell them how much The Lord has done for you, and what mercy he has shown you."  Mark 15:9

He goes on to say that, "'Mercy' is one of those words in the bible that tells a story.  Just as the doctor only comes to our home when we are in need, the only time "mercy" shows up is when someone is in need."

In other words, when there is a need for mercy, there is usually a story behind it that calls for care, love and compassion.  That is what Jesus offered to those he encountered.  It is what he offers to us.

I liked this too:  "God's mercy lurks in the shadows of your life."  He goes on from here to talk about the hidden and broken things of our lives and I really like the idea that God's mercy lives in the midst of the hardest things in our lives... It is there for us even when we aren't aware of it.   This is where McKnight makes the point that God is always "on call" for us. We just need to reach out in confidence that his mercy is always there.  :)

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