Friday, January 23, 2009

Worth Reading...

I was checking out some information on Tenth Avenue North's website last night and came across their 'Journal' entries. Basically, it's their blog written by the band members. I started doing a little reading, because I always love to hear the 'stories' behind the songs, and this is what I thought I'd find. Well, I found that and much more... I've spent some time reading this morning and I particularly like Mike's thoughts. He's currently writing what he calls a 'book' of thoughts based on the songs from their latest CD.... here's a sample of his thoughts on 'Love is Here:'

But man, if deep down in my soul, God was really my God,i f I really believed that I didn’t have to earn my approval, that I didn’t have to be good enough or smart enough or faithful enough to get God to love me, I think it would change who I run to for acceptance. Love is here. Love is now. And if I really knew that the thing my heart wanted most was to be home with God, then it wouldn’t come as any great shock to me when I feel dissatisfied here. And maybe, just maybe, I’d actually be able to be content in my discontentment....

For all you Switchfoot fans, that's what the whole “Beautiful Letdown” album is about.“It was a beautiful letdown, the day I knew, all the riches this world had to offer me, would never due….in a world full of bitter pain, and bitter doubt. I was trying so hard to fit in, until I found out, that I don’t belong here. I don’t belong here.”

Man, what peace to know that this isn’t my home. What a beautiful letdown to know that I am loved and there’s nothing I could run to that would give me what I want.

But it’s not really that easy is it? Because we’re made for a massive amount of pleasure you and I. We’re made for God to fill us, and shine through us, and so when God’s taking his sweet old time to satisfy us, it seems downright impossible to hold out doesn’t it? I mean, people want to be happy, right? They want their best life now, and so when Jesus comes along and says, stop looking, just wait, “your best life is coming later!” Well, it’s not exactly what you want to hear is it?“ Don’t tell me that love is here, and not yet! Just give me something to dull the pain!

But that’s just it. Love is here, and now and…later. Everything you want and are looking for, you’ve got it. So stop looking. Everything else that you want, wait. It’s coming.

Like I said before, think about this too long and you might go cross-eyed. But I’d rather be cross-eyed and content than have my eyes fixed on a world that can’t even deliver what it promises. If God Himself is really the desire of our hearts, then as long as we’re strangers here, we’ll sing along with those crazy Irish rockers,“I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.”

Psalm 84:10 “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.”

Believe it or not, this is just a 'short' excerpt -- there's lots, lots more and it's good stuff. Makes me realize why there is such depth and insight in the words to their songs. It takes a little while to read it -- but I think it's worth the time. I'm looking forward to what Mike has to write about the rest of his songs...

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