Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Amazing Children :)

Jack said it well tonight. It was a good day to be a proud parent. :) I'm always proud of my girls, for many things - but today was a day-long 'showcase' of talents that they invest much of their time and energy in. And in the end, I sit here truly thankful for the way that each of them has been blessed with abilities that they really enjoy and excel in. It was a joy today to watch each of them, 'in their element,' and having such a good time.

Tonight, we got to watch Mackenzie play in the UAH Honor Wind Ensemble. She was nominated by her band director and then chosen by the faculty at UAH to be a part of this band. It was made up of about 50 high school students from all over North Alabama and Tennessee. They spent the weekend rehersing and then played a concert tonight out at UAH. It was amazing to see how much they could learn and accomplish in just 2 days worth of practice... very impressive. Mackenzie was happy because she ended up getting to play the piccolo as she had hoped she would. I was using a borrowed camcorder tonight to capture all of this, and I believe it's going to take some time to figure out how to download the video... but maybe I'll be able to put an excerpt of the concert on here sometime soon... :)

Earlier, we spent most of the afternoon at Huntsville Gymnastics' Fall Invitational Meet down at the VBC. Anna did really well today - finishing in 3rd place in her age group on both the Floor exercise and on Bars. It was nice to see her so much more relaxed and really enjoying herself today. :) Mackenzie was able to capture her floor routine with a camera -- the video isn't all that great, but you can get the idea.

So it was a long day, but a good one... and I feel very blessed. :)

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