Friday, November 13, 2009

Simple Pleasures

Today was one of those stressfull/melancholy kind-of days. You know, the sort of day where you wake up and you are already trying to figure out what to cancel because there's just too much to do. (today, unfortunately, it was my workout with Cindy) And in the midst of all the 'doing,' your mind is just off in other places... and what you really wish is that you could just sit down, take a deep breath, and have a few minutes to do nothing.

Well, the blessing in the day is that moment presented itself for about 45 minutes this afternoon. I was able to break away from school and the band lock-in for a short time and come home. It was so beautiful outside at that point in the day, that I decided to sit outside on the back porch for a little while. I even stole a tootsie-roll pop from Anna's halloween candy stash and just sat out there, enjoyed my lollipop, and 'decompressed.' I can't remember the last time I had a lollipop. :) I had time to think... to pray... even to write a little... and to collect myself. It was just very peaceful. It made me think that sometimes it's the 'simple pleasures' that can make all the difference in a day - and today I'm thankful for that.

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