Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Warm November Afternoon...

I'm thankful to be writing this while sitting out on my back porch enjoying a quiet, somewhat overcast, 'warm' November afternoon. It's so peaceful here...

I've enjoyed this last week with family and friends... lots of activity, travel, and fun times. It's been a wonderful Thanksgiving week. :)

But it's also nice to wrap all of that up and be able to sit quietly and take in what will likely be the last time I'll want to sit outside on my porch for a while. I expect colder weather and winter to actually start to set in soon...

I've realized in some deeper ways this last week how very blessed I am. I think I've already mentioned quite a lot about family and friends -- today I am just thinking about how good God is and how faithful He has been to me. Allen read I Corinthians 1:8-9 this morning in his sermon and it really sank in with me today:

He will keep you strong to the end,
so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord,
is faithful.

What a blessing to know that GOD will keep me strong to the end and will always be faithful. In times where I feel so weak and unfaithful in my own heart, I can rest in the promise that it is GOD's strength and faithfulness that will make me blameless on the day of Christ... and I love the thought of being 'called into fellowship' with Jesus. Maybe it's silly, but it put this picture in my mind of standing awkwardly alone in a crowd, not sure of where you fit in or who to talk to, when suddenly God, (the ultimate party host!), comes over to you, puts his arm around your shoulder, and says, "Hey, come on over here. I have someone I want you to meet... He's really looking forward to getting to know you. This is my Son, Jesus...." :)

What an awesome God we have!

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