Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nature's Beauty

A colorful rainbow. A gorgeous canopy of fall leaves. A stunning sunset.

I was fortunate to see all of these in the span of about 20 minutes tonight. What could have been just a routine drive to gymnastics tonight, became such a glorious drive through God's creation! As I left my house, there was a beautiful rainbow stretched from one side of Hampton Cove to the other. I drove through the neighborhoods to pick up one of the girls and found myself surrounded by tree-lined streets with leaves of every color all around. And as I left my side of the valley and came over the top of the mountain, the sun was just setting below a line of clouds and the whole scene was absolutely indescribable. Oh how I wish I had a camera to have captured it all! So for now I will have to rely on some 'borrowed pictures' that almost capture what I saw.... almost. Regardless, it was such a nice treat and change of pace.
So in the midst of a drive that I most often do on 'autopilot', I was very thankful tonight for the beauty that unfolded before me - I couldn't help but think of God and how amazing He is. :)
"The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands..." Ps. 19:1

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